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The mental and physical well-being of our members and staff is what we care about the most. We reserve the right to refuse entrance or revoke membership if our rules and regulations are not adhered to.

  • Please be respectful to other members and our staff,
  • Please bring your membership card with you for each visit, replacements can be provided at a cost of £10,
  • Children under the age of 16 must be supervised at all times,
  • Only water to be consumed in all active areas. The foyer may be used for eating and drinking,
  • ID must be presented upon registration,
  • Use sanitising stations to clean the equipment before and after your usage,
  • Clean up after yourself, put back all equipment and leave no litter,
  • Please return your card when your membership is terminated.


  • Clean up after yourself; wipe down equipment after using it,
  • Use a locker for belongings*,
  • Sports-wear,
  • Trainers only,
  • Please do not linger on equipment when not using it,
  • Water fountain to be used with water bottles only,
  • Phones should be on silent,
  • No liquid chalk as it damages our floor,
  • Clear weights away after use.


  • Use a locker for belongings*,
  • Please do not leave belongings in cubicles,
  • No reserving of cubicles or showers,
  • Swimwear only,
  • No flippers or snorkels,
  • Children are to be supervised at all times with a 2:1 child-to-adult ratio,
  • Long hair must be tied up,
  • No running, spitting or petting,
  • Hand paddles only to be worn if swimming alone in a lane,
  • Please shower before and after using the pool,
  • No outdoor footwear on poolside,
  • Please watch from viewing area only, except in pre-agreed situations,
  • No phones or cameras,
  • Lifeguards operate a ‘three-strike’ system when dealing with rule-breaking.

* Lockers require a padlock. Padlocks are available to purchase at reception.  Anything left in a locker overnight will be removed.


  • Use a locker for belongings*,
  • Room access and sparring must be supervised,
  • Do not punch without gloves,
  • Wear appropriate sportswear,
  • Headguard and gum shields must be worn when sparring,
  • Always warm-up.

Fitness Classes and Pitch/Court Hire

  • Please arrive on time for all bookings,
  • Let us know you've arrived for your session by speaking to reception, for fitness classes please collect your ticket from reception before you attend the class,
  • 24 hours+ notice is required for online cancellations. Cancellations after this time must be by phone or in person. 
  • Failure to attend or to cancel your place will result in a charge,
  • Users must vacate the area as soon as their booking has finished


  • Please be aware our fitness classes take place in this space, you may be asked to continue your workout on the gym floor.
  • Wipe down and return any equipment after using,
  • Keep blinds up when working out alone.


  • Please speak to reception on arrival before commencing,
  • Only competent climbers can top rope climb unsupervised,
  • A harness must be worn for top rope climbing.

Car Parking

Use of the top car park next to Unique Fitness is for our public customers only. 

Public members must display a Unique Fitness permit in their cars to use these spaces. Permits can be collected from the Unique Fitness reception. These allow 2 hours of parking at a time.

University of Bradford students and staff can buy permits for the main University car parks and must use these and not our allocated spaces in the top car park.

The car park through the barrier is accessible for all Unique Fitness users between 06:00-09:00 and 16:00-22:30 Monday to Friday and 09:00-17:00 at weekends.