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Useful links and references


The Vancouver style referencing has been used for accessibility purposes.

  1. Capper G, McVitty D. Belonging inclusion and mental health are all connected | Wonkhe [Internet]. Wonkhe. 2022 [cited 1 August 2022]. Available from:
  2. Parker Humphreys E. Student Loneliness Report 2020 [Internet]. London; 2020 [cited 2 August 2022]. Available from:
  3. El Morr C, Maule C, Ashfaq I, Ritvo P, Ahmad F. Design of a Mindfulness Virtual Community: A focus-group analysis. Health Informatics Journal. 2019;26(3):1560-1576.
  4. Naslund J, Aschbrenner K, Marsch L, Bartels S. The future of mental health care: peer-to-peer support and social media. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences. 2016;25(2):113-122.
  5. Peeters W, Pretorius M. Facebook, or fail-book: Exploring “community” in a virtual community of practice. ReCALL. 2020;32(3):291-306.
  6. Chung J. Social interaction in online support groups: Preference for online social interaction over offline social interaction. Computers in Human Behavior. 2013;29(4):1408-1414.
  7. Rashid A, Zaaba Z. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: The privacy challenges. International Conference on Promising Electronic Technologies (ICPET) [Internet]. Malaysia; 2020 [cited 2 August 2022]. Available from:
  9. Eysenbach G, Powell J, Englesakis M, Rizo C, Stern A. Health related virtual communities and electronic support groups: systematic review of the effects of online peer to peer interactions. BMJ. 2004;328(7449):1166.
  10. Goodall M. Community Strategy Training: What are Online Communities? [Internet]. Guild blog: community building best practices, trends and insights. 2020 [cited 1 August 2022]. Available from:
  11. Harold F. 4 Examples of Great Online Communities and What Makes Them Work [Internet]. 2021 [cited 1 August 2022]. Available from:
  12. Sfeatcu, R., Cernuşcă-Miţariu, M., Ionescu, C., Roman, M., Cernuşcă-Miţariu, S., Coldea, L., Bota, G. and Burcea, C.C. (2014). The concept of wellbeing in relation to health and quality of life.European Journal of Science and Theology, [online] 10(4), pp.123–128. Available at:
  13. Tov, W. (2018). Well-Being Concepts and Components. In: Handbook of well-being. [online] Singapore Management University. Available at:
  14. World Health Organization (2022). Constitution of the World Health Organization. [online] WHO. Available at:
  15. Galderisi S, Heinz A, Kastrup M, Beezhold J, Sartorius N. (2015) Toward a new definition of mental health. World Psychiatry. Jun;14(2):231-3. doi: 10.1002/wps.20231. PMID: 26043341; PMCID: PMC4471980.
  16. Lister K. To Fully Support Students, We Need to Embed Well-Being in Distance Learning [Internet]. Psychreg. 2021 [cited 1 August 2022]. Available from:
  17. Strayhorn T. College students' sense of belonging. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge; 2018.
  18. Brower T. Missing Your People: Why Belonging Is So Important And How To Create It [Internet]. Forbes. 2021 [cited 1 August 2022]. Available from:
  19. Neves J, Brown A. Student Academic Experience Survey 2022. Advance HE/ Higher Education Policy Institute; 2022.
  20. Wheadon G. Combatting loneliness at your university [Internet]. United Kingdom; 2021 [cited 1 August 2022]. Available from:
  21. McVitty D, Jackson A, Capper G, Ramsden D. Students’ perceptions of belonging and inclusion at university [Internet]. WONKHE and Pearson; 2022 [cited 2 August 2022]. Available from:
  22. How to create an online community [Internet]. Guild blog: community building best practices, trends and insights. 2021 [cited 4 August 2022]. Available from:
  23. Shea V. Netiquette [Internet]. 2004 [cited 4 August 2022]. Available from:
  24. Preece J. Etiquette online. Communications of the ACM. 2004;47(4):56-61.
  25. Thomas L. ‘I am happy just doing the work …’ Commuter student engagement in the wider higher education experience. Higher Education Quarterly. 2019;74(3):290-303.
  26. Stalmirska A, Mellon V. “It feels like a job …” Understanding commuter students: Motivations, engagement, and learning experiences. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education. 2022;30:100368.
  27. Goddard, H. Understanding Barriers to Engagement for Commuter Students. Presentation presented at; 2018
  28. Chappell A, McHugh E, Wainwright E, Gilhooly K. The Experiences of Undergraduate Commuter Students [Internet]. London: Brunel University; 2020 [cited 18 August 2022]. Available from:
  29. Cain, D. L., Marrara, C., Pitre, P. E., & Armour, S. (2003). Support services that matter: An exploration of the experiences and deeds of graduate students in a distance learning environment. Journal of Distance Education, 18(1), 42-56.
  30. Lister K, Seale J, Douce C. Mental health in distance learning: a taxonomy of barriers and enablers to student mental wellbeing. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning. 2021;:1-15.
  31. Andrews T, Tynan B. Distance learners: Connected, mobile and resourceful individuals. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 2012;28(4).
  32. Liu, X., Magjuka, R. J., Bonk, C. J., and Lee, S. (2007). Does sense of community matter? Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 8, 9–24.
  33. Pike, A. (2009). Developing online communities to support distance learning in secure environments. In: 7th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2009. Orlando, Florida.
  34. 10 things you need to know about placements | Sheffield Hallam University [Internet]. 2022 [cited 25 August 2022]. Available from:,the%20workplace%20in%20the%20course.
  35. Perry S. Nursing students are still dropping out in worrying numbers [Internet]. The Health Foundation. 2019 [cited 23 August 2022]. Available from:
  36. Bass J, Walters C, Toohill J, Sidebotham M. Promoting retention, enabling success: Discovering the potential of student support circles. Nurse Education in Practice. 2016; 20:109-116.
  37. Bennion J, Symmons T, Shearman I, Holloway C, Kain R. PSS-STUDY: PSS-Study: An Exploration of Physiotherapy Student-Perceived Stress and the Related Coping Strategies whilst on Placement. International Journal of Practice-based Learning in Health and Social Care. 2020;8(2):68-85.
  38. Stout R, Roberts S, Maxwell-Scott H, Gothard P. Necessity is the mother of invention: how the COVID-19 pandemic could change medical student placements for the better. Postgraduate Medical Journal. 2021;postgradmedj-2021-139728.
  39. 100 days on my sofa: student experiences of [Internet]. 2022 [cited 18 August 2022]. Available from:
  40. Hubble S, Bolton P. Mature higher education students in England. House of Commons Library; 2021.
  41. Petrie K, Keohane N. On course for success? Student retention at university [Internet]. Social Market Foundation; 2017 [cited 5 August 2022]. Available from:
  42. Choosing the right digital communication tool [Internet]. 2022 [cited 2 August 2022]. Available from:
  43. Schalock R. Three Decades of Quality of Life. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. 2000;15(2):116-127.
  44. Verdugo M, Schalock R, Keith K, Stancliffe R. Quality of life and its measurement: important principles and guidelines. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 2005;49(10):707-717.
  45. Ke F, Hoadley C. How to evaluate online communities: A review of the literature. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education [Internet]. Penn State University; 2004 [cited 10 August 2022]. Available from:
  46. Connect and Inspire: Online Communities of Practice in Education [Internet]. LINCS | Adult Education and Literacy | U.S. Department of Education. 2011 [cited 10 August 2022]. Available from:

Useful links

It is important that both students and staff are aware of supportive websites, organisations and policies that are available to access in relation to mental health and wellbeing. The below lists are not exhaustive; therefore, if there are others that should be added, please get in touch with [email protected] so we can update our list.

These have been taken from Useful mental health links - Office for Students 

These have been taken from Useful contacts - student mental health - Mind

Student Minds
Mental health charity that supports students.

Students Against Depression
Information and support for students experiencing suicidal feelings, including a helpful safety plan template


0808 802 5544 (Parents Helpline)
85258 (Crisis Messenger for young people – text the letters YM)
Committed to improving the mental health of babies, children and young people, including support for parents and carers.

  • Papyrus – Prevention of young suicides charity
  • Samaritans – Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you