Give employers the full picture of your experience at Bradford
The Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) is a comprehensive electronic record of a student’s achievement which is built up as they progress through their student life.
It includes both academic and extra-curricular achievements, and therefore captures and acknowledges the full student experience. You can use it as a graduate to show employers the full story of your studies and skill development at the University of Bradford.
All Bradford-based taught students at the University (undergraduate and postgraduate taught) will be generated a HEAR through the Gradintellegence system.
Part-time students
Part-time taught students are also eligible for a HEAR. It may be that engagement in endorsed extra-curricular activity is calculated on a pro-rata basis and/or straddle academic years. Please discuss any queries about activity verification with the activity owner.
January starters
Taught January starter students are also eligible for a HEAR.
It may be that engagement in endorsed extra-curricular activity may straddle academic years so please discuss any queries about activity verification with the activity owner.
Postgraduate students
Postgraduate taught students can leave the University of Bradford with a HEAR.
Postgraduate research students do not receive a HEAR and will continue to receive the existing results transcript.
A HEAR will contain academic information about the course, modules and marks/grades as they are released following examination board. It will also include information about any programme, department or faculty prizes, accredited placements undertaken, as well as details of any verified extra-curricular achievements.
At the University of Bradford 'additional recognised activities' are known as a Bradford Employability Award and these are included in Section 6 of your HEAR. See below for more information on the Bradford Employability Award.
Academic information about your course, modules and marks/grades will be added automatically as they are released following examination boards.
Participation in any endorsed achievements and activities (known as a Bradford Employability Award) will be verified by the relevant staff member/s once successfully completed and added to your HEAR on your behalf.
New achievements will be added to your HEAR record as soon as they have been verified by the relevant staff member/s. Please note that verification can only happen once you have successfully completed the activity/item in question.
University, Professional and Departmental prizes which reward both academic and non-academic achievement will be managed by your Faculty and any prizes will automatically be added to your HEAR.
When you complete your course, your HEAR will be finalised and you will be able to both access your HEAR and share it with others, for example, prospective employers, postgraduate admissions tutors. You will be able to access your final HEAR through Gradintelligence.
Eligible students will be set up in the Gradintelligence system automatically and you will need to self-verify your account following the email invite sent to your Bradford email address.
The HEAR accessed after graduation is the final version of a student's achievement during their period of study at the University and it remains accessible to students via their Gradintelligence account.
Your HEAR is a record of not just your academic achievements but also the extra-curricular activities that the University has verified you as achieving.
It is your opportunity to demonstrate to potential employers how you have made the most of your time here at Bradford and gained the skills and experience needed to be successful on graduation.
Make the most of your time as a student and work with your fellow students and staff to capture your achievements and experiences as you progress through your studies.
Employers now recognise the HEAR as a formal transcript of a students’ time at University so plan your activities well and demonstrate your full range of experiences and skills.
Bradford Employability Awards
We encourage all our students to make the most of their time at Bradford, and undertake activities outside the classroom so that they graduate with ‘more than a degree’.
We have a wide range of endorsed activities that help build students' knowledge, skills and experience - and be included in their final HEAR. These are known as the Bradford Employability Awards.
Each Bradford Employability Award activity provides the opportunity for students to develop, demonstrate, and have formally recognised by the University, their competence in at least two of the University’s Employability Skills. These are key transferable skills that are valued by employers and relevant to all graduate level jobs:
University of Bradford Employability Skills
Getting involved
For 2021/2022 there are over 30 Bradford Employability Award activities to choose from and get involved in at some point during your time as a student at Bradford. These include activities like becoming a Peer Mentor to help other students, working in one of the many jobs available for students on campus, or for taking part in activities such as community volunteering.
Current students can see the full list of HEAR endorsed activities on SharePoint.