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University changes lives, says civil servant


A civil servant with a passion for the benefits of higher education has received an honorary doctorate from the University of Bradford in recognition of his significant commitment to the university and the impact this has made.

Karl Alan Bates
Karl Alan Bates has worked with the university on its University Council, audit committee, ethics committee and various other committees and groups over the last 15 years, alongside a career in the civil service as an internal auditor and past director of the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors.  
Despite not experiencing a university education himself, Karl is a keen advocate for the power of higher education.
He said: “I’d very much like to thank the University of Bradford for bestowing this very significant honour on me.  It’s an accepted fact that universities change lives – involvement with the University of Bradford certainly changed mine and I’m sure it has had an even bigger effect on my fellow graduates.”
Nominated for the award by former Bradford-based retail giant Grattan’s boss, and University of Bradford Interim Chair of Council John Hinchliffe, Karl is described as ‘a friend of the University’.
John said: “Karl has given his professional and personal life to service, ensuring great, open and transparent governance.  Several year ago, when I joined the University Council, I was always grateful for his quiet wisdom. As chair of the audit committee at the university, we saw his quiet but confident, strong but detailed style at its absolute best.” 
Karl’s words of wisdom to his fellow graduates focussed on how to navigate future experiences and included advice on embracing change, being resilient, staying true to your values and giving back to society.
He said: “Be curious, be open, be questioning and seek new knowledge from all aspects of your life and work. Fasten your seatbelts, embrace the journey and go make your mark on the world.” 
Karl Alan Bates
Honorary awards are made by the University twice a year in recognition of their contribution to the University, city or wider region.