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Bradford part of EDI Hub+ to address diversity challenges


The University of Bradford has become part of a new national hub to address diversity challenges in the UK’s engineering, physical and mathematical sciences (EPMS) sectors.

A university staff member and student in white coats standing next to each other in a laboratory looking at a structure of small metal shelves

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Hub+ will act as a focal point of activity and knowledge of good EDI practice across the UK. 

Drawing on expertise and insight from people and organisations from within and beyond the sector, the hub will provide leadership to pinpoint diversity challenges unique to EPMS. 

These challenges will be tackled by scaling-up EDI interventions to be integrated and adopted within the community. 

The University of Bradford is one of eight university partners in the project, led by Professor Vania Dimitrova, Professor of Human-Centred Artificial intelligence at the University of Leeds, and Professor Louise Jennings, Professor of Medical Engineering at the University of Leeds. 

A university student in a white coat and protective glasses stands up and carries out an experiment with water dripping off the end of a plastic box

Professor Udy Archibong, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) at the University of Bradford, said: “I am delighted we are involved in this exciting national project which aligns with the University of Bradford’s vision of a world of inclusion and equality of opportunity.

“I am extremely honoured to be part of the project team along with my colleagues, Dr Elaine Brown [Reader in Mechanical & Process Engineering at the University of Bradford’s Faculty of Engineering & Digital Technologies] and Dr Cristina Tuinea-Bobe. 

We will work collectively with other hub members to address diversity challenges in the engineering, physical and mathematical sciences sectors in the UK

The hub is supported by the UKRI Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) through a £2.5 million investment. 

Dr Tuinea-Bobe, Research & Knowledge Transfer Business Development Manager at the University of Bradford, said: “I am so excited to be part of this amazing team and to lead work under workstreams’ four ‘identifying unmet needs’. 

“Thank you to Dr Brown and Professors Dimitrova and Jennings for inviting me to join this project that can make a positive difference by scaling-up the developed interventions and support implementation across multiple settings.”

The University of Bradford was recognised for its work on social mobility with a national award earlier this month. 

Bradford was named University of the Year at the Social Mobility Awards (SOMOs) 2024. 

Its projects designed to increase social mobility include support for those who have spent time in residential or foster care and careers advice up to five years after students graduate. 

Removing barriers 

The EDI Hub+ is one of the activities in EPSRC’s three-year EDI action plan. 

It will focus on three themes. The first is career pathways, which includes removing barriers to doctoral study for underrepresented groups, providing inclusive support at key career transitions and growing diverse leadership.

Research funding and processes features trialling and evaluating alternative approaches to funding opportunities and peer review and reducing the burden on specific groups. 

Organisational culture, which includes making workplaces more inclusive and accessible, fostering inclusive leadership and adopting equitable work-life balance approaches.

Professor Charlotte Deane, EPSRC Executive Chair, said: “The diversity challenges we face deprive individuals of opportunity, with the result that the research and innovation system, and society more widely, cannot benefit from their contributions and perspectives.

The EDI Hub+ aims to address the persistent challenges we see across the engineering, physical and mathematical sciences community by harnessing our collective accumulated knowledge

“It will consolidate the work of existing initiatives and lead new programmes of work, ensuring that the best solutions can be brought to bear on challenges specific to the engineering, physical sciences and mathematics communities.”

The EDI Hub+ partners are University of Leeds, Aberystwyth University, Durham University, Heriot-Watt University, University of Bradford, University of Bristol, University of East Anglia and University of York.