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Best distance learning MBA in the world for value for money and net zero


The University of Bradford’s Distance Learning MBA has been ranked best in the world for value for money and its teaching dedicated to ethics and climate solutions by the Financial Times.

Bright Building

It was also ranked 1st in the UK and 4th in the world for overall satisfaction of the online MBA experience. The classification means Bradford’s Distance Learning MBA is now in the 10 top in the world, alongside others from Spain, the US, Australia and Italy.

The University’s School of Management is also the only institution in the world to offer an MBA in Innovation, Enterprise and Circular Economy.

Its DL MBA costs £19,700, compared to $126,787 at the University of Southern California and $146,916 at Carnegie Mellon: Tepper in the US, and £45,700 at Imperial Business College, London.

Commenting on the ranking, Professor Sankar Sivarajah, Dean of the School of Management, said: “This is a flagship programme for our School and the University. I am pleased to see that the Financial Times assessment criteria recognise our commitment to teaching ethical-social governance issues, and that our overall satisfaction ranking reflects improvements we have made as a result of listening to our students and graduates.”

School of Management MBA summit

Professor Amir Sharif, Dean of the Faculty of Management, Law & Social Sciences, said: “We are rightly very proud of our School of Management and also of our established MBA programme – which again shows our commitment to quality management education, on a global scale. As a business school that has responsible management at its heart, the School of Management is core to fostering positive links between other subject disciplines too such as with our School of Law and School of Social Sciences in our faculty.”

Deputy-Vice-Chancellor Professor Zahir said: “This top 10 ranking shows our Distance Learning MBA is ideally positioned to deliver relevant skills and value for money. One of our core strategic aims is to make a difference and this ranking shows how transformative our MBA can be in terms of up-skilling people from different backgrounds.”

Dr Nick Snowden, Director of MBA and Digital Learning, said: “Any modern university course needs to teach skills that are relevant to the workplace. This ranking shows just how impactful our DL MBA is in terms of being able to give people the tools they need to transform their careers, to build networks and relationships, and to make a real difference in their chosen career.” 

The FT’s DL MBA ranking criteria takes a number of metrics into account, including salary increase, carbon footprint and effectiveness of an institution’s careers support service.

The ranking is published on