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Chemistry lecturer praised for innovative way of inspiring students


The University of Bradford is committed to recognising and celebrating the fantastic work of staff who consistently provide students with innovative and exceptional learning experiences.

Every year the University recognises staff who have gone above and beyond to demonstrate significant positive impact on student learning and have influenced the teaching approaches of colleagues, with a Bradford Teaching Fellow award. The latest recipient of the award is Dr Clare Peyton, Senior Lecturer in Biophysical Chemistry in the Faculty of Life Sciences.

Dr William Martin, Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching), Faculty of Life Sciences said: “From day one of her appointment, Clare has been a trailblazer for innovations in teaching and, in a relatively short period, has established herself as one of the University’s leading thinkers on how to modernise the learning and teaching offer.”

Professor Alastair Goldman, Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences said: “Clare provides an immersive and interactive learning environment that has had significant impact on student engagement and learning. She uses mixed technologies, including augmented reality, which allow her students to see and interact with complex three-dimensional chemical structures, such as DNA and viruses, and make links with their existing knowledge of Chemistry.

“Through thoughtful use of PebblePad, and careful structuring of Canvas - software tools to help students learn - Clare provides a strong identity and manages student cognitive load, which is crucial to developing effective blended learning materials. Her work has led the way to improving how Canvas is being used across the Faculty and her development of new Canvas templates are now being adopted by others across the University.”

The Bradford Teaching Fellow award supports colleagues to progress their journey towards institutional nomination for a National Teaching Fellowship.