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University of Bradford researcher presents findings to Parliament


A University of Bradford lecturer has been selected to present her research to MPs and expert judges in Parliament.

Dr Rianne Lord was shortlisted from hundreds of applicants and will speak about new drugs for the treatment of colorectal cancer at the event on March 12th.

The competition is part of a campaign called STEM for Britain, run by the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, and involves early career researchers producing a poster explaining their research and competing for prizes of up to £2,000.

Dr Lord, lecturer in bioinorganic chemistry, said: “I applied for this event to not only enhance my research field, but to promote the exciting work being undertaken here at the University of Bradford and to help promote young female academics within STEM. I am delighted to be selected for this prestigious event and I am looking forward to presenting my work to a diverse audience.

"This event will also allow me to promote science on a more political level, to show that governmental funding for research is necessary and purposeful. I hope to get a chance to speak to many MPs from across the country, to create a positive impact of science across the breadth of the UK. I also hope that this event will attract many people unfamiliar with my research field, and look forward to addressing their questions and increasing their interest in our work."

Stephen Metcalfe MP, Chairman of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, said: "This annual competition is an important date in the parliamentary calendar because it gives MPs an opportunity to speak to a wide range of the country’s best young researchers.

"These early career engineers, mathematicians and scientists are the architects of our future, and STEM for Britain is the politicians’ best opportunity to meet them and understand their work."