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MMP-activated theranostic selected for NCL/NCI funding


Joint ICT-Stanford University invention selected for funding.

The joint ICT-Stanford University invention ‘CLIO-ICT’ (ferumoxytol-ICT3105, an MMP-activated theranostic agent), which resulted from a collaboration between Prof Heike Daldrup-Link, Stanford University, and Dr Robert Falconer & Prof Paul Loadman, ICT, has been selected for a characterisation funding package at the Nanotechnology Characterisation Laboratory, part of the National Cancer Institute in the USA. Having demonstrated exciting potential for the treatment of glioma in preclinical models in the Daldrup-Link lab at Stanford (see Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 2017, 16, 1909-1921;), this is an important, exciting first step towards translating ICT-CLIO to a clinical setting.