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Alumni to get free life membership of the Students' Union


Graduates of the University of Bradford will be able to apply for life membership of the University of Bradford Students' Union (UBU) after a membership offer was agreed between the Alumni Association (AA) and the UBU and presented at the AA's Annual General Meeting in 2018.

The idea for formal alumni membership was initially discussed during a meeting held between the Chair of the AA, Terry Carroll, and the UBU Union Affairs Officer, Faiz Ilyas. This was later approved by both the AA Executive Committee and the UBU Senior Management Team.

Terry Carroll welcomed the development saying "In keeping with our strategic direction we have developed a close relationship with the University of Bradford Union, as well as across the University, for the long-term benefit of all our collective membership. Following our discussions with Union Affairs Officer, Faiz Ilyas, and his presentation to the AGM, we are delighted that the UBU has approved free life membership for every member of the Alumni Association."

Graduates of the University can now formally register as life members of the UBU and, in successfully doing so, continue to participate in a range of UBU activities and events. Life membership entitles alumni members to attend and observe General Meetings, and to apply to join UBU societies, media clubs, and sports clubs.

"This not only cements the warm and committed partnership between our two organisations, but also adds to the appeal and long-term strength of the Alumni Association. It creates the basis for a seamless relationship with the University for every student, right through graduation, in their bond with the City, and for the rest of their lives and careers. We would like to thank Faiz and all the UBU Committee, on behalf of the AA Committee and every one of our members." added Terry.

Faiz Ilyas, MEng Civil and Structural Engineering, who was recently re-elected to the role of Union Affairs Officer said "It's been a pleasure to work with Terry Carroll and the Alumni Association. The energy found with them is identical to that found here in the UBU which is a passion of contribution to the University and our City that ensures we continue to provide opportunity beyond education. It is through these similarities and values that the UBU Council deemed appropriate to give every student that has graduated here at the University of Bradford the opportunity to continue to take part in the UBU as UBU life members for free."

Further details about the life membership offer and how to apply can be found on the alumni website.