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Mental Health Awareness Week 8-14 May 2017


Visit our stand in the Richmond Atrium on Wednesday 10th May, 11:30 : 14:30 (part of the Staff Networks event).

This year the theme is Surviving or Thriving? Too many of us accept that experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety are the price we pay to keep our lives on track. Working hours blur into leisure time and the rise of social media changes the way we interact with friends, families and our communities.

Mental Health Awareness Week will be celebrating good mental health as an asset that helps us to thrive. This is not just the absence of a mental health problem, but having the ability to think, feel and act in a way that allows us to enjoy life and deal with its challenges. With this in mind we’ll be asking how we can cultivate good mental health?

In the meantime why not take the mental health quiz and lets start talking about mental health…