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Dr Jannine Williams to present at London media gender misrepresentation conference


Dr Jannine Williams, lecturer in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour at the University of Bradford, will present a workshop alongside The University of Lancaster's Dr Valerie Stead at the final Challenging Gendered Media Mis(s)representations of Women Professionals and Leaders conference.

The event takes place on Thursday 15 June 2017 at Goodenough College, London. It brings to a close the successful three-year ESRC Seminar Series, a collaboration between representatives from the universities of Bradford, Lancaster and Roehampton.

Analysing Media Representations

The series has focused on challenging gendered media misrepresentations of women professionals and leaders, and how a continued media focus on women’s gender rather than achievements, misrepresents their ability, contribution and advancement. Dr Jannine Williams and Dr Valerie Stead’s workshop will take an analytical look at these media representations.

Keynote Speakers

Also speaking on the day are Professor Karen Ashcraft from the University of Colorado and Julie Burton, President of the Women’s Media Center, Washington DC.

This final seminar in the series will be the eighth in total. The most recent instalment took place in December 2016 and was hosted by Bradford’s Dr Jannine Williams. Journalists, academics and business people joined Ruth Cadbury MP at the event, held at the House of Commons.

More information and tickets

You can read more about the Gendered Media Mis(s)representations of Women Professionals and Leaders conference and book your tickets online.