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Bespoke blast cabinet donation by Guyson International Lltd


The initial contact with the company was made during the TCT + Personalize show, held at the NEC, which Guyson and University of Bradford regularly attends. Mr Mark Viner visited University of Bradford stand, and arrangements were made for the company to visit our laboratories. During the visit common research interests were established and Guyson kindly agreed to produce and donate a bespoke cabinet for our group.

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This collaboration, that is initiated through this donation, is seen as a development platform for our students. The company is interested to collaborate on final year projects (undergraduate or master level) and in hosting students for placement. Furthermore common research ground was identified and funding sources are investigated.

The Euroblast 6 with a pencil blast is a highly flexible blast cabinet with wide ranging parts loading options with front, side and top opening doors. The large armholes give a comfortable reach inside the cabinet for the operator and full width foot pedal allows operation of the blast gun with either foot. The pencil blast is a very useful addition and can be used for cleaning intricate microinjection moulds or highly finishes 3D printed products.

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