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University of Bradford launches elite sports scholarship scheme


The University of Bradford has launched a brand new sports scholarship scheme to enable talented students to achieve their sporting and academic goals.

The scholarships will offer a range of support to students playing sport to an elite level, regionally, nationally and internationally.

The will operate from the start of the 2016-17 academic year and successful students will qualify through a competitive application process.

It will have three levels:

  • Bronze, for regional level sportspeople
  • Silver, for national level sportspeople
  • Gold, for international level sportspeople

As well as financial support, the scholarships will offer benefits such as specialist, high-level coaching, strength and conditioning facilities, nutrition advice and physiotherapy, and sport-specific testing and analysis.

The scholarships will be available to postgraduate as well as undergraduate students and students from overseas.

Mark Garratt, the University's Director of External Affairs, said: “We’re delighted to be able to offer our scholarships in this brand new scheme, especially in our 50th anniversary year and at a time when we are making significant gains in national, and international, university league tables. We want to attract the best, and brightest, sportspeople to come to Bradford to enjoy and benefit from the fantastic facilities we can provide. At the same time they will enhance life here, providing great role models and promoting participation in sports, which is one of our ambitions.”