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MBA students visit Airbus as part of international study trip to Toulouse


Toulouse was the destination for an international study trip for University of Bradford School of Management MBA students this month.

The visit to the city in south-west France offered students on the Full-time and Accelerated MBA the chance to visit the production facilities at one of the area’s largest employers, Airbus.

The students also attended a networking lunch with Aerospace MBA students at Toulouse Business School, which hosted the trip.

They were also given a presentation on Airbus and how it manages demand and product life cycle.

Also on the itinerary were presentations of the economics of the Midi-Pyrénées region; classes on cross-cultural management; and a presentation on ‘Non Market Strategy’ (lobbying) by an alumnus of the Bradford School of Management, now working at Toulouse Business School.

Students also visited the Château Bellvue La Forêt winery to look at its production facilities; given a walking guided tour of Toulouse; and visited Albi Cathedral and the Toulouse Lautrec Museum.

Dr Craig Johnson, Director of Studies for the programme, said: “The international study trip offers students on the Full-time and Accelerated MBA programmes an opportunity to immerse them into a different culture.

“With seven nationalities represented, the cohort was a diverse group themselves, so the trip offered an opportunity to think about the difference and similarities between various different nationalities.

“Beyond the cultural visits to Fronton and Albi, the highlight of the trip for many was the impressive facilities of Airbus. Bordering four different towns Airbus is a major employer of some 50,000 people in the Toulouse area. The tour of their impressive facilities demonstrated how the A-320 and A-380 were assembled and developed themes on the presentations of the economics of Midi-Pyrénées and Airbus.”

Dr Johnson added: “The international study trip is an integral part of the course fees for the Full-time and Accelerated MBA. In previous years we have been to Krakow in Poland. We are looking at a number of exciting options for next year, though the final destination is still to be determined.”

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