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Former Newsnight anchor Jeremy Paxman cites research by School of Management academic in speech


Economic research by a University of Bradford School of Management professor on the impact of litter has been quoted in a speech by Jeremy Paxman.

Speaking at the Foodservice Packaging Association annual Environment Sector seminar in Solihull, Mr Paxman cited research by Bradford School of Management Professor of Marketing, Stuart Roper, which found that litter is not only visually and environmentally detrimental, but also has a negative effect on companies’ profits.

The research showed that corporate logos on packaging that has been dumped on the ground ends up hitting the bottom lines of those companies by up to two per cent (2%)*.

Former Newsnight anchor Mr Paxman was speaking in his capacity as Patron of the litter campaigning organisation, Clean Up Britain (CLUB).

Find out more about Mr Paxman's speech at the FPA Environment Sector seminar.

Find out more about Clean Up Britain.

* Source: Roper, S., & Parker, C. (2013). Doing well by doing good: A quantitative investigation of the litter effect. Journal of Business Research, 66(11), 2262–2268.