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Black, female, dyslexic: Meet the space scientist, Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock MBE


The Sky at Night presenter Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock will present a guest lecture at the University of Bradford next week.

Entitled Black, female, dyslexic: Meet the space scientist, Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock, the lecture takes place on Tuesday 27 September 2016, 6pm to 7.30pm, in the Great Hall, Richmond Building on the main campus of the University.

Maggie is a presenter of the iconic BBC astronomy show, the world’s longest running TV series.

She is also a physicist and mechanical engineer with a BSc and PhD from Imperial College, London. She is an Honorary Research Fellow at University College London.

Her passion for space began when she was young and she joined an evening class learning how to make her own telescope. She changed school 13 times while her parents’ marriage broke down but overcame disadvantage and dyslexia to achieve her dream of becoming a space scientist.

She has been involved in high profile projects such as the James Webb space telescope, the Gemini Observatory in Chile, the European satellite ADM-Aeolus, for the MoD on landmine detection and missile early warning systems. She is currently involved with the Square Kilometre Array international telescope project.

This public lecture is organised by GENOVATE, an EC funded action research project led by the University of Bradford, which operates across seven European partner universities with different institutional and national contexts for gender equality. The lecture forms part of a suite of programmes funded by GENOVATE to help promote gender equality through organisational transformation.

Through public events the University seeks to provide a forum for academics, students, experts in their fields and the public to discuss areas of work of the University and their relation to society.

To book a place at the lecture, visit: