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University of Bradford alumnus appointed as the man to get Ayrshire's economy booming


A respected businessman has been appointed as the go-to man to try and boost Ayrshire's business economy. Patrick Wiggins, BA Interdisciplinary Human Studies 1979, will spend the next six months trying to put more thrust into the sector.

He started last week after shifting from his role as chief executive of the Irvine Bay Regeneration Company which he has led for nine years.

His specific task is to work on a series of growth deals with government to deliver projects that can be a step-change in economic performance.

The ex-Scottish Enterprise staffer said: “I will be in a position to go to government - either Holyrood or Westminster - with propositions from the three local authorities to get Ayrshire on its feet.

“The next six months are the first steps in that, so really there is a lot of work to be done.

“I believe the growth we are aiming for is a once in a lifetime opportunity and we need to think big.

“Our aspirations need to challenge the ideas we have had for this place for some time.

“There is no doubt Ayrshire is under-performing.”

The wish list to government will span the county as a whole, rather than have three different geographical views.

Patrick is originally from Darlington but has recently settled in Sorn and has been highly regarded for his role in Irvine.