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Bradford MBA Student impresses Institute of Business Ethics


James Peacock, a Bradford Executive MBA student, wrote a winning essay for the 2015 Institute of Business Ethics annual student essay competition.

On 13 October he attended a special event held at the IBE headquarters in London. After being awarded his prize he then presented a brief overview of his findings to a crowd of leading experts in ethics and sustainability.

James, who works as a Waste Contracts Manager for Wessex Water, said:

“I’m absolutely delighted to receive the award. The Institute is widely respected so it was great to receive the acknowledgement of my hard work and of the quality of business ethics teaching on the MBA.”

The essay entitled ‘Water Poverty – a real threat in the UK?’ explores the moral dilemmas the water industry faces when dealing with people who can’t or won’t pay their bills. As James explains:

“Water bills have risen by 40% in real terms since 1990, which means more and more people have difficulties in paying. Should we shut off their supplies or do people have a right to access to water? How should this be balanced the need to protect the environment or fairness to other customers? The essay attempts to answer these and other questions around a difficult moral issue.”

Talking about the award, , who teaches on the MBA commented:

“Responsible value creation is at the heart of our values on the Bradford MBA. Strategic leadership in today’s society means that decisions need to have an ethical, environmental and sustainable dimension to them. James’s success is a reflection of those principles and we congratulate him on his success”

The Institute of Business Ethics is non-profit organisation which raises public awareness of ethical business practice as well as working closely with organisations.

, including our new Circular Economy MBA.