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Workshop at the University of Bradford tackles energy challenges


Researchers and academics from India and the UK came together last week to discuss some of the key challenges in Smart energy generation, supply and usage.

Researchers and academics from India and the UK came together last week to discuss some of the key challenges in Smart energy generation, supply and usage.

The University of Bradford welcomed a high profile Indian delegation to a UK-India Bilateral workshop on sustainable energy and the Smart Grid.

The workshop, held on March 27 and 28, was sponsored by the UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) and University of Bradford.

India having the second largest population in the world has a significant demand and new smart innovative ways are required to meet the challenge.

Dr Haile-Selassie Rajamani, the workshop Chair, Senior lecturer in Power Electronics and Systems at the University of Bradford, summed up the conference highlighting the need for closer UK-India ties to strategically address the most important questions on environmental impact, sustainable and renewable energy, and SMART grid technology.

The workshop explored how sustainable energy and Smart Grid technology are important to ensure national energy security. New advances in electric vehicles, embedded generation and storage, power electronics, wireless sensors, and communication technologies bring new challenges and innovation to the energy industry, which are important to investigate.

Mr N. Murugesan, Director General of the Central Power Research Institute, India, commented that “The major issue for India is the Energy gap as demand goes up."

He also highlighted India's efforts to significantly increase renewable energy production and that integration is something that has to be explored further.