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BCID Student Spotlight: Md. Tajul Islam


One of our Bangladeshi students shares his experience.

Recieved: March 2014

How would you introduce yourself?

I am Md. Tajul Islam, a civil servant of the Government of Bangladesh. I did my undergraduate and postgraduate in Social Welfare from the University of Dhaka with distinct credit (stood 1st class 1st in both level). Then I joined as a lecturer in a public university of Bangladesh located in Dhaka. In November 2008, I joined in the civil service and worked in different capacities of government system for five years before coming to Bradford in September 2013. I am here for pursuing another postgraduation 'MSc in Economics and Finance for Development' with Bangladesh Government scholarship.

How do you find your programme so far?

In a word, my programme is highly demanding and truly prestigious. It provides technical and specialised knowledge related to economics and finance. However, it should provide a fundamental module in the 1st semester for better understanding of the technical issues of the programme.

What have been the best aspects of your experience so far?

I have been enjoying the life of Bradford. It is a lovely city with its panoramic hilly treasures. Here living cost is not high comparing with other cities of the UK and District Council run free bus for the city dwellers. However, the best experience I gathered here is the BCID annual development lecture delivered by famous Cambridge Professor Ha-Joon Chang on 26 February 2014. I also enjoyed different informal gatherings of BCID that enable the participant to come close to the faculties.

How does this programme relate to your own career goals?

Since I am a civil servant, in future, I have ample opportunity to work in specialised ministries like Ministry of Finance, Commerce, Industry and then , I will be able to apply the technical and specialised knowledge on economics and finance acquired from my programme. Again, the research standard of BCID is world class and I hope it will help me to pursue my Phd in future.

Based on your experience would you recommend this programme to others?

Definitely. I have already suggested my known other civil servants as well as other potential postgraduate pursuants to come to BCID and to have world class learning experiences.