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50 Years of Development in Sub-Saharan Africa - The Experience of Tanzania


International Conference held on 29th and 30 May 2014 by Bradford Centre for International Development in association with the John and Elnora Ferguson Centre for African Studies (JEFCAS), Mzumbe University, Tanzania and the Britain Tanzania Society

The conference was organised by Bradford Centre for International Development in association with the John and Elnora Ferguson Centre for African Studies (JEFCAS), Mzumbe University, Tanzania and the Britain Tanzania Society. More than twenty speakers contributed to the conference on a variety of topics related to the conference theme and a number of lively debates took place both in the conference hall and outside. Speakers included some who have contributed to research on Tanzania and Sub-Saharan Africa over many years as well as more recent researchers. It is hoped that the conference will lead to the publication of an edited book as well as journal articles and that it will provide valuable materials relevant to our students both in Bradford and our Tanzanian partner, Mzumbe University.

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Downloadable papers from the conference

Abdel Latif (367kb PDF)

Coulson From the Arusha Declaration to Big Results Now The Political Economy of

Ilembo‌ (134kb PDF)

International Aid and Tanzania's Development v2.pdf‌ (711kb PDF)
International Aid and Tanzanian Development‌ (260kb PPTX)

Lofchie_Reflections_050514‌ (240kb PDF)

Lujia Feng Paper on the Conference in Bradford.pdf‌ (545kb PDF)
Lujia Feng PPT for Bradford Conference 30th May‌ (523kb PDF)

Michael Tribe International Aid and Tanzanian Development.pdf

Peter Lawrence Industrial Development of Tanzania in African Perspective (358kb PDF)

David Potts: Development and Inequality in the African Lions
Potts Development and Inequality in the African Lions 2 (326kb PDF)