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Experts by Experience Take Part in Teaching Dementia Studies


We were delighted to welcome to the University members of our ¿expert by experience¿ panel who took part in teaching and assessing students on the module Dementia training: skills and approaches on 10th and 11th May 2012.

Trevor Jarvis who has vascular dementia, his wife Ann, Dennis Jubb who has fronto-temporal dementia, and former carers Bob Dunnett and Mollie Peet, all took part in assessing students’ teaching presentations. Trevor also delivered an inspiring talk on his experience of living with dementia, and Dennis told us about work done by the PROP (People Relying on People) group he set up in Doncaster and showed a video made by the members.

Many thanks to Trevor, Ann, Dennis, Bob and Mollie for contributing so much to this event.