Preparing for University Study
Welcome to the University of Bradford’s guide to preparing for your studies which includes support specifically designed for new students. Our advice and guidance aims to give you an insight into what to expect at University and how to prepare for the next steps in your education journey.
At Bradford, we recognise that every student is unique and you will all be joining us from diverse and varied backgrounds. Within this short preparatory resource, we hope to address some of the most common concerns and questions that we often hear from new students.
The topics that are covered include: Academic Study and Learning in HE, Wellbeing at University, Building Community and Belonging, and Careers and Employability for Future Success. In each section, you will find some expert advice from members of staff, blogs and case studies written by students to provide you with real-life examples based on their experiences, as well as a reflective task or activity for you to undertake at the end of each section so that you can apply what you have learnt to your own situation.