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Public events

Our public events are open to all who wish to attend.

They include seminars and presentations that highlight our research, knowledge transfer events where we share our expertise with our partners and local business’, and community events, such as our participation in Bradford Literature Festival, Bradford Science Festival, and Yorkshire Gaming Festival.

Book now to reserve your place and find out about a range of topics including health, sustainability, technology and many more.

Upcoming events

Future events

Our Public Lecture Series

The Bradford Inaugurals Lecture series celebrates the promotion of our academics to the position of Professor, the highest achievement in an academic’s career.

The Cantor Technology Lecture seeks to bring distinguished academics or leading industry experts, to deliver a lecture in the field of technology.

The Harold Wilson Lecture honours our first Chancellor and his great foresight in setting up a technology university such as the University of Bradford.

Café Scientifique is a place where you can find out the latest ideas and research in science and technology.