New Interventions for Independence in Dementia Study
Most people with dementia want to remain living in their own homes for as long as possible. One way that this can be done is through visits by paid home care workers. However, Alzheimer’s Society’s Fix Dementia Care campaign found that that only 2% of people affected by dementia believed home care workers had sufficient dementia training.
This Alzheimer’s Society funded Centre of Excellence will develop and test evidence based training and support programmes to help family (NIDUS-family) and paid home carers (NIDUS-professional) to provide high quality care to people living with dementia. These programmes have been co-developed with family carers, people living with dementia, home carers and health professionals.
Led by Professor Claudia Cooper at UCL, the research is being run in close partnership with the University of Bradford; it is also working closely with Anglia Ruskin University, Kings College London, University of Exeter and the home care agencies SweetTree and Jewish Care.