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FinCH Study


Professor Gail Mountain was co-applicant in the FinCH study from 2016 – 2020. This multi-centre cluster randomised controlled trial led by Professor Pip Logan, University of Nottingham evaluated the Guide to Action Care Home fall prevention programme in care homes for older people. The study was funded by the NIHR HTA programme, at a value of (£2,000,000).

The purpose of the trial was to determine the clinical and cost effectiveness of the Guide to Action (GtACH) process for fall prevention in care homes compared to usual care. Bradford was one of the sites for the research. Due to the fantastic efforts of Angus Sturrock, Research Nurse from Bradford Care Trust, Stephen Pugh, physiotherapist from Bradford Care Trust and Dr Ana Barbosa, from the Centre for Applied Dementia Studies we recruited to target and successfully delivered the intervention as planned.


The study findings are promising; further information will be available shortly when the main trial paper has been accepted for publication.

Find out more about the FinCH project.