BSc (Hons)
- Typical offer for 2025
- Duration
- UCAS code
Suitable for applications.
Learning and assessment
You will have a mix of lectures, seminars, laboratory practicals, workshops, case studies and directed study. Directed study will include directed reading of selected textbooks, specified source literature and open learning materials, directed Web-based materials, report writing and other assignments. There will also be an individual project/dissertation.
You will be assessed via written closed-book examinations using constructed (essays, short answers) and selected response (MCQ) questions and a variety of coursework assignments, including laboratory reports, oral presentations and dissertations.
Involvement in laboratory, small-group workshops, case-based work and projects (individual and small group) will also be part of your assessment. You will be assessed by critical appraisal, case analysis and critique, case presentations, laboratory reports and dissertations.
Study support
Our comprehensive support services will help you to achieve your full potential – both academically and personally.
We provide all you need to make the very best of your time with us, and successfully progress through your studies and on into the world of graduate employment.
Our support services include:
- Personal tutors
- Disability services
- Counselling services
- MyBradford student support centres
- The Students’ Union
- Chaplaincy and faith advisers
- An on-campus nursery
- Halls wardens
We have well-stocked libraries and excellent IT facilities across campus. These facilities are open 24 hours a day during term time, meaning you’ll always find a place to get things done on campus.
Our Academic Skills Advice Service will work with you to develop your academic, interpersonal and transferable skills.
All of the teaching staff are highly research active and their research in Chemistry is focused into two clusters: Materials Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Biophysics. Research spans the interface between Chemistry, Bioscience and Materials and involves synthesis, characterisation/analysis and computation. Our work impacts on many of the important issues of the 21st century: such as antimicrobial resistance, curing cancer, clean energy and plastics in the environment.