PhD (Faculty of Health Studies)
- Duration
- Start date
- Location
Suitable for applications.
Learning and assessment
PhD students undertake a viva to assess that they are progressing sufficiently in their studies.
The student is usually required to produce a report and a detailed timetable for further work.
This takes place 12-18 months after initial registration.
Available PhD projects
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Study support
You will receive excellent guidance, advice and support from experienced, knowledgeable and approachable supervisors on a regular basis.
Training and development
We provide our PGRs with every opportunity for personal and professional development via our unique PGR Framework. Our PGRs and their supervisory teams determine a personalised and progressive plan for the PGR to meet their potential. The opportunities include:
- A personal self-audit and training needs analysis (TNA) carried out at regular intervals to ensure that both project-specific, and advanced transferable, research skills are developed.
- Expert-led workshops, modules, one-to-ones and seminars on a variety of topics and skills.
- Opportunities to access external training (e.g. via the White Rose ESRC DTC, NARTI, CARMA, North-West and Yorkshire Training Group etc.)
- Career and employability advice and development for PGR, including access to specialist advisors and the Bradford Graduate Fellowship scheme for PGRs. This is a bespoke opportunity to achieve a teaching qualification through attending training events and acquiring teaching experience under the support of a teaching mentor.
- PGR Connect - a student-led scheme to help people adjust to and progress in doctoral research by getting to know others, sharing experiences and ideas, tackling common wellbeing issues and developing a sense of community and belonging.
In order to make life easier for our students the University has brought together a number of its support departments in an area known as MyBradford.
MyBradford is located in the Richmond Building adjacent to the Atrium. This Student Support Centre provides a central reception where students can receive information and guidance.
The Research Administration Team based in the PGR Lounge (Carlton Building) provides regular drop in support sessions.
Peer support
We have a community of PhD students who share a dedicated office space.
You will meet as a group on a monthly basis with the Director of Postgraduate Research to discuss issues, progress and concerns.
You will have the opportunity to join our forums to share our learning including action learning sets and journal clubs which involve regular meetings in small groups.
We also arrange annual poster presentations to provide you the opportunity to share your research and learn from other students.
We have purpose built, excellent facilities for researchers and a vibrant community of enthusiastic staff and doctoral students.
92% of our research was classified as 4*(World Leading) or 3* (Internationally Excellent). In terms of the Impact of our research and the environment in which research is undertaken 100% was classified as world leading or international excellent.
We also have excellent links with service providers in health and social care, voluntary sector organisations and community groups with collaborative work being undertaken at local, regional, national and international levels including The Alzheimers Society, Bradford Institute for Health Research and the Born in Bradford project.
These links are highly beneficial for doctoral students in the school, helping their studies to progress.
We have a thriving service user and carer research group who are enthusiastic about our work and keen to be involved with our research, offering the public patient perspective.