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The Bradford Employability Award – Active Career Planner

This programme offers you the chance to earn university credit while participating in career planning activities. This accreditation will be included in your Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR), demonstrating your employability skills to potential employers. Upon successfully completing the activities, students will be awarded a Certificate of Active Planning.

Participating in the award entails:

  • Engaging in a series of career and professional development activities throughout one academic year.
  • Learning to set career goals and implement actions to achieve them.
  • Creating high-quality documents such as CVs, portfolios, personal statements, and competency statements for application forms.
  • Receiving support and feedback on career planning activities, including one-to-one career guidance and coaching to refine career goals and improve CVs and other supporting materials.
2 smiling students in classroom

What are the benefits

  • Enhanced Employability Skills: Develop communication, negotiation, time management, and networking skills, boosting confidence.
  • Practical Support: Get professional support with interviews, assessment centres, and refining CVs and cover letters. 
  • Confidence and Self-awareness: Gain professional support for job searches or postgraduate study applications, fostering self-awareness and improvement.
  • Networking Opportunities: Engage in career fairs, meet potential employers, and enhance online profiles on platforms like LinkedIn to tap into the hidden job market.


How does it work?

Take a look at the menu of activities, below, and you'll see that many of the ways you can get involved with Careers are listed, along with an allotted points score for each activity. 

You'll need 50 points to complete the award, and some of these points must be made up of core activities. You can do them in any order over the academic year.​​​​​​​

Menu of Activities

To achieve the Bradford Employability Award (Active Career Planner) and to be HEAR accredited, students must gain a minimum of 50 points from the activities below (approximately half will be from completion of the Core Activities). You can choose to do the activities in any order but within one academic year.

Application information and sign-up details for 2024/25

You can register your interest via this form.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I sign up? 

  • Gain skills essential for today's job market.
  • Supports job and postgraduate study applications.
  • Receives a Certificate of Active Career Planning upon completion.

Will employers recognise the Award? 

Yes, research shows active career development boosts job market success.

I plan to continue with postgraduate study. Why should I take part? 

Skills learned aid in selecting and applying to postgraduate programmes. 

Will other universities recognise the award (for example, for a postgraduate application)?

Yes, similar awards are common and valued in university applications.

How long will it take me to complete the Award?

Typically, within one academic year.

How much time do I need to spend in addition to my studies? 

Points-based system for activities completion, not focused on hours.  You can choose to do the activities in any order but within one academic year. 

What if I get behind and cannot complete the programme in one academic year? 

You will be able to submit extenuating circumstances for any issues for example illness that interrupts your participation in the Active Career Planning Award. If you have to take a substantial amount of time out, you may be able to carry forward your points and complete the award in the following academic year (discussion will be based on individual circumstances). 

I am already taking part in another award. How does it relate to other awards and HEAR activities? 

Some of the skills and knowledge you learn on the Active Career Planner Award will be relevant to other awards and HEAR  activities. This is acceptable – the award should complement other types of HEAR activities. 

The following are the other Careers-led HEAR-accredited awards you may wish to participate in: 

What kind of activities will I be doing and how much time will I need to spend on each? 

Includes CV development, interview prep, career fairs, and networking. If you have a part-time job, then you will be able to use that experience to count towards your award. The same applies to volunteering. 

How many webinars do I have to attend? 

You will need to attend the introductory webinar of one hour and we would also expect you to attend other career webinars (a minimum of six webinars of which two must be employer-led) and submitting a very short reflective questionnaire online for each webinar you attended. 

Can I sign up and work with a friend completing activities together?

Collaboration is encouraged, ie meeting and networking with employers, having appointments with career consultants and other advisers, but individual work will also be necessary

Do I have a choice over which adviser I meet with to discuss my plans?

You can choose who you wish to see, subject to availability.

How many careers appointments will I need to have? ​​​​​​​

This Award is NOT about focusing or monitoring the the number of appointments you have – it is about your active engagement to be successful in your career planning.  The meetings can be with different advisers, but it is normally recommended you see the same staff member (in order to check your progress). 

Can I meet the Career Consultant on campus or remotely?

Currently we are offering both face-to-face appointments on campus as well as remote appointments. 

What kind of part-time or voluntary work is acceptable? How many hours work experience do I need to undertake? 

Any kind of part-time work or voluntary work will be acceptable. If you can obtain voluntary or part-time work that is relevant to your studies and your eventual career goal, that would be very helpful, but it’s not essential.

The award is more concerned about your successful application for part-time or voluntary work and other internships and the hours required for application again varies with each student.   

The University recommends that students work no more than 15 hours per week, and international students should check visa requirements.

Apart from time, are there any costs? 

We do not expect you to have to make any additional expenditure to complete the Award. 

DOTS and the Active Career Planner award

The Active Career Planner award is structured around the 'DOTS' model, comprising four stages:

D: Decision Making / Learning

  • Make informed decisions with the assistance of a Career Consultant, considering your options, resources, and preferences.

O: Opportunity Awareness

  • Research potential occupations or sectors aligning with your interests, knowledge, and skills.

T: Transition Learning

  • Develop materials like CVs and personal statements to transition from university to employment or postgraduate study.

S: Self Awareness

  • Reflect on and identify your values, beliefs, interests, aptitudes, strengths, and areas for development.