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Reliability Engineering for Mechatronic Systems in the Automotive Industry Seminar

This seminar took place on Tuesday 14th May 2019

Automotive Mechatronic systems have seen a significant evolution underpinned by technology advancements in materials, electronics, software and networks, and driven by the ambition to lead on consumer centric innovation and increased levels of autonomy, while improving the safety and environment footprint. In spite of technological and methodological developments in automotive product design and development, and significant advancements in manufacturing ensuring higher standards of quality and uniformity of parts, reliability remains a significant engineering challenge driven by the growing complexity and the interdependence / interconnectivity of systems.

Come and listen to a leading industry expert in reliability - Professor David Delaux (see profile below), Past-President of the European Reliability Confederation CEEES, Head of Valeo Corporate Reliability, Regulation Director and Reliability Senior Expert. David will cover a range of topics on reliability management (project development and warranty risks) and fatigue design of complex systems.

The event will also include a suite of posters and presentation on the Automotive Healthcare Analytics Factory – sharing research insights from the Advanced Automotive Analytics Laboratory.

Outline programme


Time Event Speaker
09.00 - 09.15 Arrival and registration -
09.15 - 09.30 Welcome and agend Professor Felician Campean 
09.30 - 11.30

Short Course Part 1: Overview of Reliability Management (Projects and Risks) – from the Automotive Industry Perspective

Prof David Delaux 

11.30 - 12.00

Reliability Discussion with the Industrial Expert: Q&A                                               

Prof David Delaux


Networking lunch, tour of facilities, research posters


13.30 - 16.30

Short Course Part 2Reliability Engineering: Fatigue Life applied to Structural Complexity of

Automotive Systems                                                                                                      

Prof David Delaux 

16.30 - 17.00

Reliability Discussion with the Industrial Expert: Q&A

Prof David Delaux

17.00 - 18.00

Networking break



The Automotive Healthcare Analytics Factory FrameworkPlenary address followed by 6 research / case study presentations from young researchers entering the IET “Present Around the World” Competition.


Target Audience

This seminar is primarily for graduate and postgraduate scholars, as well as academic researchers from a broad range of disciplines (including computer science) wishing to get an update of the current practice and trends in automotive systems reliability, including opportunities for big data and machine learning applied to this field. The seminar is also open for participation to engineers working in the automotive or related industries and the supply chain,

The seminar proposes a relaxed yet engaging approach, combining industry expert led sessions with both facilitated and open discussions. A Certificate of Attendance will be issued to all participants, serving as evidence of engagement with an organised Professional Development activity.


Reliability Engineering for Mechatronic Systems in the Automotive Industry Seminar flyer

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Contact us

If you are interested in attending or would like further information please contact Yvonne Western.

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +44(0) 1274-235401