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European Reliability Research Roadmap Workshop

Challenges and Future Directions, Wednesday 15th May 2019, University of Bradford.

We are witnessing remarkable transformations across the transportation industries driven by technology advancements and proliferation across the systems scales and boundaries. Technologies to support increased levels of autonomy as well as user centric service innovation are already commonplace in vehicle architectures. From a product development organisation viewpoint, handling the explosion of complexity induced by the pervasive heterogeneous nature of systems is a significant challenge, further compounded by the pressure to develop systems in an environmental and cost conscious manner, with uncompromised or improved levels of safety and dependability demonstrated against diverse, global usage scenarios.

While technology development has been the prime focus of research and innovation effort, we have seen only limited advances on methodologies and methods to address the reliability and resilience challenges emerging with increasingly complex systems and environments.

This workshop aims to bring together industry and academia thought leaders to explore jointly the key reliability modelling issues arising from these developments, identify the gaps in knowledge and methods, and propose directions for fundamental and applied research activities. The workshop proposes a highly interactive format, combining panel sessions with small group round table discussions, and agenda setting activities.

The outcomes from the workshop will be compiled into a published report* outlining outstanding challenges and a prioritised roadmap for reliability research and methodology development.


*The results of the analysis will be anonymized and comments will not be attributable to individuals or organisations. A report targeted at industry and academia will only be published after review by workshop participants.

Programme outline

Time Event


Welcome, opening address and agenda setting keynotes



Theme 1: Technology Development and Innovation What are the reliability challenges stemming from the accelerated introduction of new technologies?


Networking lunch


Theme 2: Right First Time Through Design

What reliability methodologies and methods are needed to better support product development?


Networking coffee break


Theme 3Intelligent Vehicle Health Management

What challenges need to be overcome for Machine Learning and AI based reliability to consistently underpin effective lifecycle management?



Summary, roadmap & action planning


Each theme session will take the format of a panel discussion, round table and summary.

Co-hosted by

Collaborative partners

  • SAFI Consortium partners – Airbus, Renault, PSA, IAV and the University of Bradford
  • CEEES – Confederation of European Environmental Engineering Societies
  • SIA – Société des Ingénieurs de L’Automobile

Contact us

If you are interested in attending or would like further information please contact Yvonne Western.

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +44(0) 1274-235401

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