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University of Bradford – Safeguarding (including Prevent) Training Plan

Level 1

Target Audience

Staff who are not employed directly by the University of Bradford but who are based on University sites.

Staff need to understand:

  • University of Bradford safeguarding policy.
  • Key contacts.

Their role in relation to safeguarding at UoB.


  • UBIC, Baxterstory, Morrisons and regular visiting professional service staff (e.g., Non-Medical Providers).

Training and Evidence

Evidence of safeguarding training/awareness from their employer (e.g., copy of Safeguarding Policies and Procedures and evidence of training completion).

Confirmation that they have read our safeguarding webpage and are aware of key contacts and have read the UoB safeguarding policy (confirmed in an email which is saved).

If evidence is missing or unsatisfactory, we would necessitate completion of the UoB Safeguarding and Prevent E-Learning module.

(Role Essential: monitored via Safeguarding Steering group)


Evidence provided every three years.


Level 2

Target Audience

Staff who have contact with students as peers in a role of responsibility (academic or pastoral). 

Staff need to understand:

  • What is abuse?
  • Signs and indicators of harm and radicalisation
  • How to report and record concerns.


UoB students in employment at the University (e.g., Student Ambassadors, Mental Health Ambassadors, Peer Mentors, interns/student placements).

Training and evidence

Safeguarding and Prevent training for Student employees (specific training)

(Role Essential: monitored via Safeguarding Steering group)


Every three years.


Level 3

Target Audience

Staff who have occasional contact with children or vulnerable adults.   

Staff need to understand:

  • What is abuse?
  • Signs and indicators of harm and radicalisation
  • How to report concerns.


All employed staff at UoB.

Training and evidence

Safeguarding and Prevent E-Learning module.

Supplemented by updates via a safeguarding staff bulletin.

(Role Mandatory: monitored by Executive Board)


Within two months of joining UoB and then every three years.

Level 4

Target Audience

Staff who regularly interact with children or vulnerable adults, who may need to recognise and respond to concerns about abuse, harm, or radicalisation. 

Staff need to understand:

  • What is abuse?
  • Signs and indicators of harm and radicalisation
  • How to report and record concerns.
  • How to support people who have disclosed abuse.

Internal and external safeguarding roles and responsibilities.


  • Programme Leaders
  • Members of the Safeguarding Steering Group
  • Security
  • Student Life & Wellbeing staff
  • Visa support team
  • UBU staff offering pastoral support.
  • Student Casework Team

Training and evidence

  • Safeguarding and Prevent E-Learning module.
  • Safeguarding Issues in Higher Education training.
  • Supplemented by updates via a safeguarding staff bulletin.

(Role Essential: monitored via Safeguarding Steering group)


Within six months of joining UoB and then every three years.

Level 5

Target Audience

Staff who would contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and reviewing support for children or vulnerable adults (including relevant safeguarding and Prevent referrals).

Staff need to understand:

  • What is abuse?
  • Signs and indicators of harm and radicalisation
  • How to report and record concerns.
  • How to support people who have disclosed abuse.
  • Internal and external safeguarding roles and responsibilities.
  • Multi-agency working in response to safeguarding and Prevent concerns.
  • Impact of co-morbid issues such as domestic abuse, substance misuse and mental health.
  • Working with complex family dynamics.
  • Learning from serious case reviews.
  • Current policy and practice developments.
  • Trauma-informed response.


  • Designated Safeguarding Lead

  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding

  • Lead Designated Safeguarding Officers

Training and evidence

  • Safeguarding and Prevent E-Learning module.
  • Designated Safeguarding Lead training (external via Safeguarding Association).
  • Designated Safeguarding Lead Refresher (external via Safeguarding Association).
  • Safeguarding Issues in Higher Education (face-to-face training via Safeguarding Association).
  • Safeguarding 16–24-year-olds outside of statutory provision (face-to-face training via Safeguarding Association).

(Role Essential: monitored via Safeguarding Steering group)


Within three months of joining UoB and then every two years (except for initial DSL training which is once then refresher every two years).